Spring brings nicer weather and longer days. Unfortunately, for many people spring also means allergies. If you suffer from seasonal allergies, you are probably getting ready for a few months of sneezing, runny nose, and itchy eyes. Luckily, there are some natural remedies for seasonal allergies that can give you the allergy relief you are looking for. To learn more about the causes of seasonal allergies and 7 natural remedies, read more.
When is Allergy Season?
Allergy season starts for most people in spring time. The good news about seasonal allergies is that for most people, they are seasonal. If you are only allergic to one type of pollen, your allergy season may be 2-3 months long, depending on where you live. If you are allergic to both tree and grass pollen, seasonal allergies may last 3-4 months. Those unlucky enough to be allergic to tree, grass, and weed pollen, may have seasonal allergies from March through September, or up to 7 months.
What Causes Seasonal Allergies?
During the late winter and early spring, the air suddenly fills with tree pollen grains. When your immune system encounters pollen grains, it may trigger an overreaction. If you are allergic, it means your immune system overreacts to the perceived threat brought on by pollens. When this happens, chemicals like histamine and leukotrienes are released, flooding your bloodstream.
These chemicals can inflame the sensitive linings of your nasal passages and sinuses. Other areas where capillaries are close to the surface of your skin can also be affected, like eyelids and inner ears. This is why you feel itchy and sore. It is also why you may sneeze and have red, watery eyes. The inflammation response and resulting congestion is by design. The body is protecting itself by keeping the allergens out or helping to expel them. The “stuffy” nose keeps you from breathing in more pollen. Your sneezing is forcing out the substances causing the immune response.
Underlying Causes of Allergy Symptoms
Did you know that your risk of suffering from seasonal allergy symptoms increases dramatically if you have certain underlying health issues? Asthma, stress, deviated septum, nasal polyps, poor sleep habits and even food allergies can put you at heightened risk. These conditions, and others, can adversely affect your immune system functioning.
A strong immune system is key to fighting seasonal allergies. According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, allergies are actually disorders of the immune system. The body over-reacts to harmless substances and produces antibodies to attack the substance.
7 Natural Remedies for Seasonal Allergies
In addition to eating a healthy diet, additional supplements have been shown to be effective and reducing allergy symptoms. It’s best to start supplements 30–60 days in advance of allergy symptoms for the best results.
1. Quercetin — A dietary flavonoid found in many plants, including tea, apples, onions, ginkgo biloba and citrus, and is considered one of the best neuroprotective molecules found in nature. Quercetin is believed to be the most active of the flavonoids and it has been shown to promote potent antioxidant activities, respiratory health and helps stop the production and release of histamine. Quercetin is one of the main ingredients in our best seller Procera Protect.
2. Probiotics — Helps modify the intestinal flora in the gut and boost the immune system. Numerous research studies are ongoing that hope to show that probiotics are vital in the treatment and prevention of allergies. In additional to Probiotics, our Procera Probiotic Immune Support supplement contains Vitamin D, Vitamin C and Echinacea that work together to strengthen your immune system.
3. Spirulina — Is one of the most researched supplements, and the results are promising. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, spirulina stops the release of histamine that causes symptoms including nasal discharge, sneezing, nasal congestion and itching.
4. Vitamin A — Boosts the immune system, fights inflammation and has antihistamine properties. Vitamin A is contained in Procera Essential Multivitamin.
5. Neti Pot — Using a Neti pot during allergy season or after exposure to allergens, is a very effective way to relieve nasal congestion and flush out mucus. Once or twice daily, use warm filtered water or distilled water with a touch of salt to flush your nasal passages for relief.
6. Essential Oils — Diffusing essential oils, including menthol, eucalyptus, lavender and peppermint oil, helps to open up the nasal passages and lungs, improves circulation and relieves stress.
7. Other Helpful Tips:
- Stay Hydrated — Drink eight to ten glasses of fresh water each day. If you get dehydrated, any mucus you have will become much more difficult to expel.
- Air Filters — A compact micro-filtered air filtration machine in your bedroom may help keep your room free of pollen and other allergens.
- Shower Before Bed — pollen and dust left on your skin and in your hair overnight can make your symptoms worse.
- Wash Clothes and Bedding — freshly laundered bedding and clothes help to reduce incidental exposure to allergens.
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